AI Clouds in Investment Management - examples from ChatGPT, ESG, Metaverse and Climate Prediction

Präsentation vom 17. Mai 2023
Members Only
Dr. Jochen Papenbrock
ChatGPT made it clear to a wider audience that the next wave of AI has just begun. There are numerous applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in asset management, such as financial news/report analysis, ESG risk factors and patents. The driving technology behind LLMs are dedicated AI clouds that democratise accelerated computing. These accelerated computing platforms enable a range of investment management applications in addition to NLP. They enhance diversified sustainable alpha search, risk management and pricing, digital distribution channels and hyper-personalised investor experience. 

Accelerated example technologies include HPC simulations, physics-accurate AI, deep learning, computer vision, geospatial processing for ESG, enhanced digital channels with AI avatars and opportunities in industrial metaverse and generative AI. In this webinar, we will explore these latest breakthroughs in AI and accelerated computing and discuss their practical implications for investment management.

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