Integrating Nature & Biodiversity Considerations into Investment Decisions
vom 27. Februar 2024
Members Only
Biodiversity has emerged as a key consideration in investment strategies and thematic portfolio construction, reflecting a growing recognition of its critical role in sustaining ecosystems and mitigating environmental risks. Beyond an ethical choice, companies with robust biodiversity practices are seen as better equipped to navigate regulatory changes, supply chain disruptions, and reputational risks associated with environmental degradation.
But, how do biodiversity considerations translate into investment strategies and portfolio construction? What types of data should investors look for in order to effectively implement them, and how should they report to their relevant stakeholders?
In this webinar, we will discuss:
- An introduction to nature-related concepts and other key definitions relevant to investors
- How investors can use biodiversity footprint and dependencies analysis to include biodiversity-related considerations in their portfolios
- Technology-based tools to support the application of the TNFD framework
Please note that the presentation must not be shared.
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