Cryptoassets: Navigating the Complexities of an Emerging Asset Class

Lecture vom 25. April 2023
Members Only
Martin Leinweber, CFA
Jörg Willig
Digital assets are often broadly categorized, but in reality, this asset class is far more nuanced than people realize. With over 20,000 crypto tokens currently in circulation, there's a growing need for classification to help structure investment decisions.
In this informative webinar, Martin Leinweber and Jörg Willig will explore the different categories of digital assets and identify their unique value drivers. They will introduce a simple systematic approach to help investors make informed decisions in this complex market and discuss the integration of digital assets into traditional portfolios. Additionally, they will provide key metrics to help answer the question of how much to allocate to this space.

Join us and learn from industry experts in this rapidly-evolving field.

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